Named after the first former University President, John Milton Gregory, Gregory Hall is located on the southwest corner of the Quad on Wright Street.
Gregory Hall 112 is available for use for such activities as performances, events, lectures. It’s equipped with Integrated Teaching System (ITS) technology, which enables audio and visual presentations to a large audience.

Technical Specifications
Parking is scarce around Gregory Hall, so please use public transportation whenever possible. Metered spaces are located along both Mathews Avenue in Urbana and Wright Street in Champaign. In addition, a metered lot (E3) exists next to the Graduate Library on Wright and Armory in Champaign.
After 5 p.m., you can also use Parking Deck F29. Located on the corner of Goodwin and Dorner Drive in Urbana, the deck can be accessed off Dorner.
For more information, visit Campus Parking.
Load-in is for hand carry items only as access to stage is by stairwell.
There are 314 seats maximum when all seats are in working order.
If your event requires dressing rooms, it is recommended that you reserve nearby classrooms as this facility does not have dressing rooms.

Stage Dimensions
- Proscenium width: 25 feet
- Stage depth: 20 feet
There are front, back, and side curtains. Trained facility staff must operate curtains.
There is a large screen for showing videos/PowerPoints in conjunction with the Integrated Teaching System (ITS).
The Gregory Memorial Building is a monument to honor the first Regent of the Illinois Industrial University, one who so masterfully set the stage for the institution that has flourished for almost 150 years.
On May 2, 1914, it was decided that the memorial to be erected to Dr. Gregory on the University campus be a Gregory Memorial Building and Art Collection, that $150,000 be raised for the purpose, and that the University Trustees be requested to assign a site for the building south of Lincoln Hall, west of the Auditorium and facing the site chosen for the new Library building.